The Therian Temple

Home Visions Temple Rites Lexicon



I was invested and involved in the occult from a young age which led to the spiritual journey.
To reconnect more with my therian self and nature, I have actively seeked out the astral for insight.
I have collected my visions and reflections with the help of my therian self in the astral, a silver fox.

General Information

This website holds collection of my experiences troughout my journey and while traversing the astral.
I have come to know, the Therian Temple was used in reference to a different movement and group, the website and I are not associated with this entity. This is solely a collection of my own experiences. For details on this, please read this page further.
I am currently not in contact or involved with the therian community.

The Temple

To avoid confusion and other unwanted discussions, the therian temple, this website, is not a religious site.
Due to the nature of the astral and spiritual journeys, religious topics might emerge but this is not a religion or a belief system.
The temple is an astral construct within the astral, a place of gathering, self exploration and spiritual growth, an ever-changing concept.
While the zoanarchoth title implies connection to religion as a high-priest, in the context of the astral, it's merely a concept.
The therian temple in the astral is ever changing and subjectively perceived. Everyone who enters the astral temple can act as Zoanarchoth.

Being therian is not a religion.

The Spirituality

To me, personally, being a therian was always more spiritual than physical.
The writings on this site are shared to make others see, more unconventional experiences in the context of therian beings on the astral. There is no exact goal to it.
What one does with the information found on this site is up to them.


While I currently don't intend to use any channels of bidirectional communication, you can raise concerns or questions by mailing mazli at theriantemple dot com

The Tool

The choice of tool came to the internet.
Part of this choice was made as the writings can be updated and I can share more of my experiences easier as time passes.
Some links might not work, the site is always work in progress.
The site uses no cookies or scripts.
The sigils, charts, glyphs and runes are associated with the spaces, events or makings.

The Map

The site is broken into multiple sections which are designed to cover certain topics and group experiences.


This page contains general information about the Therian Temple, Therians and Zoanarchoth.


This page contains information about visions and memories of events concerning the therians and the Temple.
This section focuses on events.


This page contains information about the layout, chambers and properties of the Temple.
This section focuses on the layout of the construct.


This page contains information about visions and memories of rites observed concerning the therians or the Temple.
This section focuses on rituals conducted in the astral.


This page contains a glossary of words, highlighted across the site.
This section focuses on describing concepts, entities, objects and the astral.


This page contains information about the site.
Home Visions Temple Rites Lexicon